Thursday, June 24, 2010

Victory in Iraq?

I have to say that I am still amazed to find out that there are still people who don't even know that the War in Iraq was won. There are even people who ask, by who? The Libturds of the MSM must be congratulated for doing an outstanding propaganda job that they kept the entire thing so quiet. Good job Progressives. It was obviously simple since there is nothing but rampant apathy in this country anyways.

Yes, we won, but at such a cost that it left an awful taste in our mouths. This is because we found that even though we were blowing up moronic 12th Century mudheads to send them to their Allah. Those of us that cared for what was happening in this country were fighting an ideological civil war about the future of our nation. This is a nation that should be called 'The Ideologically Divided People of North America except Canada' and not the United States. A part of our people who want to change the way that country has been since it's foundation are now in control and are trying to ram as much down our throats before the majority can say and do anything about it. There is such disdain amongst ourselves that we cannot even decide when and what to call victory.

Here is a Libturd actually telling people that we won:
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I agree with Stephen Colbert, we won in Iraq. It's called victory.

The Democrats were very much against our country winning in Iraq. There were many of their leadership that outright stated that we had lost. President Bush adjusted what was a war that was being prosecuted wrongly and brought us, General Patraeus. Obama lead his party criticizing Patraeus and trying to have their mission fail. Watch President Incompetent argue against the winning policies of Patraeus.

It's ironic now that President incompetent is now placing General Patraeus in charge of the mission in Afghanistan. Libturds can always be counted on for being such hypocrites.

Oh and here is another one of my favorites statments from Leader of Congress, on the war of Iraq, while our soldiers were fighting there.

This country had better get it's act together quick because the barbarians are at our gates.

This is how I feel.

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