Tuesday, June 7, 2011

CNN/MSM Propaganda Machine

CNN did everything it could to not let their audiences hear what Andrew Breitbart was saying about Rep. Anthony Weiner (D), deplorable actions. The MSM was doing everything that they could to continue their defense of one of their Progressive cronies. The People of the United States are becoming more and more aware of what a propaganda tool CNN has become for the Left.

This is CNN's coverage of the event:

This is what actually happened. Why was CNN blatantly avoiding letting the truth to come out?

The old media is dying out. Newspapers are going to be used mostly for bird droppings and wrapping fish. The television and cable media is also going to become part of the worthless propaganda machine of the Left that they have become. What was once a proud profession that kept our Government honest, has become an instrument to control us.

Obama is trying to raise one billion dollars next year. He is doing this because he cannot run on his failed record. He has actually succeeded in his mission to remake America in his vision of a third world nation. Get ready, next year will be crucial if we are to survive.

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