Barack Hussein Obama came into the political scene back in the the 2004 Democrat Convention. He was able to stare into the teleprompters and captivate the Progressives with his eloquent speeches and rhetoric. This was alright since it was just the Democrat stalwarts and it was now evident that their Party had taken an extreme turn to the Left.
The 2008 Presidential election represented to the Progressives, that all their efforts of the past hundred years had come to fruition. They believed that the American people finally accepted their vision to remake the United States into a socialist utopia. They were wrong.
The American people did rally to the Obama banner, but not by overwhelming numbers that had done so for President Ronald Reagan in 1980. This was still enough though, for the arrogance of the Progressives, to push forward their agenda on the American people. The Progressives believed their own propaganda, that which they had force fed the American people by their misinformation apparatus, the MSM. The elections of 2008 and 2010, reinforced their beliefs. Their polices had already caused the markets to spiral out of control. Obama and the democrat controlled Congress did nothing to try to fix our nation but instead went full speed ahead in imposing the largest tax that has ever been seen by any people on the planet, ObamaCare.
These are some of the results of what President Barack Hussein Obama's policy has done to our nation:
-23 million unemployed
-43 straight months of 8+% unemployment
-45 million on food stamps
-Black poverty at record highs
-The middle class has lost 33% of its net worth under Obama
-Black youth unemployment over 50%
-Hispanic unemployment at 10.3%
-Illegals due to receive roughly $7.4 billion through Obama's Additional Child Tax Credit.
-Food prices up 15% under Obama
-Gas prices doubled under Obama
-Obama has the worst job creation record since 1945
-Obama recovery the worst in 75 years
-Median household income $4,300 declines under Obama
-Average family health insurance up $1,500 under Obama
-Added $6 trillion to our debt...more than all Prezs. Combined
-Presided over only US credit downgrade
-Over 100 million people on some form of means tested welfare
-A Military that has been weakened by social experimentation and extremely heavy funding cuts
-69% of small businesses are upset with Obama policies that have hurt them
The 2010 elections did bring a new hope for the American people. Obama's vision of 'Hope and Change' was not what the majority of Americans wanted or expected. The results of that election showed that the American people did not approve of what Obama was doing to this country. The Tea Party was formed from frustrated Americans who kicked out most Democrats and liberal Republicans. This movement has been totally ignored by the MSM because of great influence in this country. This is still a center-right nation and Obama's seduction of the weak has been shaken.
This year on November 6th, 2012, we will witness an election in which Americans will decide whether we continue to be a free people who observe the tenets of our Constitution and continue to grow with free-market capitalism or we go down the road where the Government controls all aspects of our lives and redistributes everything according to what they believe are our needs.
Which America do you want to live in?
Which America do you want your children and grandchildren to live in?
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