Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goofy Gloria the Closet Libtard

Gloris Estafan joins the ranks of the Libtards. If people ever wonder how Fidel took Cuba away from under the Cuban people's feet, well, this is possibly why, maybe? The younger Americans of Cuban descent are being seduced by the Democrats policy of Government entitlements the same was so many other Americans are. It is difficult to fight the temptation that the Progressives hold over your head of so many so-called 'freebies', forgetting that it has to eventually be paid by somebody. They have forgotten what those promises did to Cuba and will one day do to us.

Gloria says that she is non-partisan. She is using what is called 'DOUBLE-SPEAK', in order to sell records. Gloria get your 'Libtard On' and just come out and tell everyone what they already know and quit being a closet Democrat. If you support the Libtard agenda then continue to support her and her music.

Here is another non-partisan Gloria and Barry moment.

Here an Obama fanboy, Juan Manuel Cao defends fellow traveller Libtard Gloria.

Obama Fangirl Gloria Estefan can now officially join with Obama Fanboy Fidel Castro.


  1. todo esto me da dolor de barriga, me parece muy extrano de la parte de los cantantes, quizas quieran preparar su camino a la Isla.

  2. estos cantantes quieren mas fama en al Isla.

  3. creo que estos cantantes quieren mas fama o hacerse ver , asi es la popularidad.
