Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tea Party?

The Tea Party Movement has been a grass root effort by Americans who are outraged by what the Obama Administration has been doing to our country. It is unfortunate that so many people were blinded by the MSM's very effective propaganda blitz and actually voted in someone who is so very unqualified to the most powerful office in the world. They now understand what is happening to our country and are joining those who could already see through such a fancy media production and lies. The current actions of the MSM would be amusing if it weren't so dangerous for our country.
They are now discovering one of the greatest events in American history, the Tea Party Movement, nearly a year after it began. They have tried very hard to ignore the movement but found that they were the ones being ignored. They are now trying to come to terms with the fact that the Tea Party does exist and will rock their world in the upcoming elections. The MSM's deplorable performance the past couple months as the White House mouthpiece in demonizing or downplaying the Tea Party has been a total failure. The sooner that these useless media outlets that are just a free propaganda machine for the Progressives collapse and fail, the better.

1 comment:

  1. First they ignore you...
    then they laugh at you...
    then they fight you...
    then you win.
