Thursday, March 1, 2012

Delusional Democrats

Democrats are being delusional if they think that what happened in 2010 was an anomaly. It wasn't, the American people have finally begun to see what has been happening to this nation during the last century and the beginning of this one. We now see that the liberals have been trying to make our federal government into a 'living, breathing' entity of which we are a part of it's collective. This is actually the antithesis of what the original intent of what this nation was created for and our Constitution established. We are the first in the history of the world to have taken the steps to have given all of it's citizens perpetual freedoms which could never be taken but could only be given away. As more and more Americans see what is occurring every day where more and more of our freedoms are being taken away we are slowly trying to right our destiny again. The Democrats will not be able to stop the American Ascendancy, it can be only stopped through our apathy.

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