Friday, October 16, 2009

Words from a Fool

Once again, Noam Chomsky, as a 'Leftist Intellectual'(this term might be an oxymoron) calls any media that isn't part of the Mainstream Media(MSM), Nazis. Yep, the other 'N' word. If you cannot be part of the 'I love Obama' Lovefest propaganda machine then you are linked to this horrible group. Mr. Chomsky, for your information, the term nazi stands for a slang for National Socialist. This then better applies to you and your ilk, who are Socialists.
Conservatives on the other hand can be better linked to a document which Liberals tend to find so restrictive, the Constitution. We believe that the 'founding fathers' established a system with checks and balances, which has lead this country to become the beacon of this planet, based on one undeniable factor, American Exceptionalism.

1 comment:

  1. This guy actually talks about all the things that Conservatives don't want the Libs to take over. OMG nanny state some other country, we are becoming a nation of wimps.
