Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Afghanistan : Why We Fight

I have noticed that 911 is now to be a day of service. What??? Then POTUS told us last night that he is sending more troops to Afghanistan for a 'Surge', then announced he will bring them all back in 2011. Brilliant!!! Now the terrorist can just continue to hunker down, with their goats, in their caves and wait us out. I'm certain that they will be keeping notes on who helped us out in our 'Surge', so it will be easier for their 'Purge'. POTUS wants the Afghans to take care of their country's defense. Hmmmm..Let me see, that's not why we went there is it? We went back to kill the goatfucking towelheads who fucking did this above! Did you Libtards already fucking forget! We aren't there to nation build, we're there for one thing and one fucking thing only, to kill the fuckers who are trying to fucking kill us. Is this post simple enough for you Marxist Democrats?

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