Tuesday, December 22, 2009


There is Change in the near horizon. It will not be what POTUS envision in his Blitzkrieg to change the face of our Republic into a Socialist State. The sheople are beginning to realize who he is and what he is trying to do. 2010 will be significant when the people begin to clean house and begin booting Democrats. This year will go down in history, as 2009, when Socialist took over the Democrat Party.

Representative Parker Griffith(D) Alabama, a Blue Dog, has announced that he will be switching his party affiliation to the GOP. He is part of the Conservative Ascendancy that is currently taking place and was able to win his current seat by running to the Right of his political Republican adversary. His decision to leave is because he has not been able to conform to the ideals of the Democrat Party and his inability to become a Socialist.

Both parties should take note, Conservative principles and bringing back our country to it's foundation in the Constitution, will determine if a party is to be successful. The Democrats are a lost cause since they have gone entirely under Socialist influence. The Republicans have lost their way as they have tried to be moderates or Democrat Lite. The electorate have shown the GOP that this recipe will only lead to failure.

Read more about this topic:

Welcome to our side, now do Right.

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