Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mecca of the Midwest

So where can someone go to feel like he is back in Baghdad or possibly Mecca here in the United States? Dear reader the place to go is Dearborn, Michigan, where Sharia Law seems to be practiced openly. Islam is the religion of peace or so I've read. It is, if you are a muslim and then if you are a muslim of the correct sect. If not then be prepared to have your head used as a soccer ball or some other clever torture that you can imagine being inflicted. I'm not about to launch into a tirade against this religion, I believe in the First Amendment and freedom of religion. I can tell you that what they believe is in this book, the Koran.

They derive their laws from it because it is not only a holy book about God. It contains a blueprint about a way of life, code of conduct and a way of life. These laws that is based ob their faith is called , Sharia.

This is a video that was emailed to me. I know that there are many horrible ones out there about what occurs in countries that follow Sharia Law. This one is not graphic but I find it very disturbing because it shows one of our greatest freedom being denied. Where is the ACLU in these situations? Oh yeah, not trying to free the people of Cuba, but the terrorists held there in Guantanamo.

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