Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ObamaCare IV

There is a new commercial that is running about what the end results of ObamaCare will be like, especially for seniors. The ad is sponsored by the League of American Voters. This ad must be saying something true since ABC Network has banned it from being played by any of it's stations. ABC has become an extension of the Obama White House Press Corp and I'm finally understanding what the letters stand for, All Barack Channel. This will be noted as another shameful moment for the Fourth Estate. Newspapers and television news are diving headlong into irrelevancy. Following is the ad.


  1. #1 Employers currently can change your plan bewteen private corps. without your permission. Public option simply provides another option.

    #2 The NY Times article states it is an assumption that doctors and hospitals can be more efficient, not that beaurocrats will make one's decisions for them. With cross-provider patient history sharing and other such reform inclusions, yes, there is efficiency to be had. Simple partisan unlinear conclusions and scaremongering comprises this "lie defense".

    #3 Beaurocrats will recommend treatment that is shown to be effective, not mandate it. What is the problem of an option to follow the advice of a federal panel of medical experts as to what is the most effective treatment?

    Key words are, "think the legislation is about rationing," The paragraph speaks to misperceptions of the cost-cutting, effective treatment analysis and end-of-life care factors. Nowhere is it stated or implied that beaurocrats will decide the type or quality of care.

    #4 Here's the OMB quote: “The size of the fiscal gap is precisely why we must enact fiscally well designed health care reform now,” OMB director Peter Orszag said. Plans are for medical cost cutting versus medical care cutting.

    #5 Illegals already get free health care in hospitals' ERs. Also, HR 3200, specifically bars coverage for illegal immigrants. Section 246 forbids payments “on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.”

    This video begins with another out-of-context quote: "...explicitly limiting patient access to treatments" The full quote is, "IF OR WHEN the Administration's speculative cost-cutting measures under universal health care fail to produce savings, government will start explicitly limiting patient access to treatments and services as too expensive. " Speculation on the part of the WSJ as to what will happen IF OR WHEN cost-cutting measures produce their results.

  2. Dear etu1972,

    #1 If the public option gets implemented, there will be no private insurance companies that will be able to compete. The government will have unlimited resources because it can just continue to raise taxes. It is expected that most companies will drop private companies and pay cheaper fines and you will have no choice but the public option. So much for choice, but then that isn’t very important to Socialists anyways.

    #2 The New York Times is a very bad place for resources as it is continuing to lose readership. If you want to see what Socialized medicine is like, just look at the Veteran’s Administration Medical Services, there is also Medicaid and of course, the soon to be bankrupted Medicare for seniors.

    #3 You have obviously never suffered from a catastrophic illness. You don’t want to have an inept bunch of bureaucrats getting in the way of you and your doctors. Resources will be limited as there isn’t an infinite amount available. The failed European and Canadian Socialist Medical system are here now. There is rationing occurring there now. You see them coming to this country to get medical treatments that they cannot get in their own, How many Canadians are crossing the border to Michigan and New York now? Is this something that you want to deal with if you’re ill?

    #4 There is only one option for cutting costs available, paying Doctors less. That is a solution that will cause us fewer people going to that field and possibly becoming lawyers. Cutting the costs of medicines will end research into better and more effective ones, as there is no incentive.

    #5 Illegals, simple, enforce current laws by providing adequate public safety personnel and securing our borders. End the practice of sanctuary cities which provide safe havens for illegals. HR 3200 will not stop abuse since none of these rules are ever enforced.

    This country has some of the best quality medical care on the planet, yet some want to trade it in for an inferior model based on failed European models. I, like many Americans, would like the insurance based medical system that we currently have reformed to be more affordable by more people. There are many ways that this can be accomplished without the involvement of the government. Provide cross-state availability, like auto and home insurances as an example, so that competition can lower the price.

    I also don’t want the government to pass HR 3200, without having the people that actually wrote it, having read it and understand it, like they have done with previous bills. There is no transparency in government, as Obama promised. He has been passing legislation at breakneck speed without the citizens knowing all the facts. The Stimulus Bill and the ‘Cap and Trade’ Bill are examples.

    This time the President was unsuccessful and not because of Republican opposition but because of the outcry of Conservatives. Americans are beginning to realize what is going on and apathy is starting to end.

    Dear reader, I have checked my facts and I want to thank you for your opinion.
