Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Modern Joan of Arc

She is a voice in the wilderness. She brings fear to those who wish to bring down our nation. She brings hope to those who still have faith that we have inherited a wonderful gift from God, the United States of America. She has been criticized and vilified like no other politician ever. Her message is clear to those who don't fall victim to the power of the leftist propagandist in the Liberal media. There has never been such a powerful combination of methods used to shut down the message that Sarah Palin brings, Conservatism.

The Left would love to do nothing more then burn her at the stake. Her positive message of bringing our country back to the forefront again is based on one thing, American Exceptionalism. We are a great people, not because we are any different then any other human being on this planet, but because of our God given Rights that are in our Constitution.

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