Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ObamaCare VII

Today will be a crucial day for ObamaCare. He will be addressing Congress today in an effort to convince them to pass a health reform bill, ObamaCare. The government is notorious in fighting us. Even though the majority of the people in this country are against ObamaCare, the Democrats want to try to pass this unpopular law. Conservative Americans aren't against reforming health care so that everyone gets the health care that they need. What we don't want is Socialized Government Control of health care, ObamaCare.

We don't want what the government to inefficiently run Socialized programs that have been seen as failures in Europe and elsewhere that it has been applied. Popular American socialist programs such as Welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc., all run the risk of future bankruptcy. The Veterans Administration health care is constantly running into problems with funding, when above all else, the veterans should never have to be without. Ever.

The Leftists blame insurance for the problems of the health care industry when they refuse to do anything about Tort Reform. It is obvious that they will not bite the hand that feeds them since the Trial Lawyers are the biggest contributors to the Democrat party. Can anyone, dear reader, say, "conflict of interest"? There are so many problems with government programs that have an insatiable appetite for money. Their solution always being to raise taxes.

We don't want ObamaCare. We need to reform the health care industry. We don't need to lay the cornerstone to Socialization of this country. The intent of our 'Founding Fathers' establishment of this country can be summarized in one phrase, live free.
Preisdent Obama will be trying to throw his 'Hail Mary' pass. It will be Obama's Doom and Gloom threats again. Man up Mr President, the people don't want this.

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