Sunday, September 27, 2009

ObamaCare IX

Just open this email link to YouTube video about Congressman Mike Rogers. He points out some of the deficiencies that this Bill has. I call to question why the Democrat controlled Congress under the behest of President Obama have tried unsuccessfully to quickly pass a Bill of such a magnitude. I understand that in Congress there is a civil tone to it's decorum and as such, many things that need to be clearly said are not , but very important subjects are danced around. This came to an abrupt stop when the President addressed the Congress and was accused of lying by Representative Joe Wilson, S.C. (R).

The Democrat control all the branches of government. They know that ObamaCare is unpopular as you can see from all the negative attitudes in Townhall meetings throughout the country. They know that there is a stirring among the American people as is evident when close to 2 million people peacefully descended on our Nation's capital. The Republican party was disseminated during the last couple of elections. They are now powerless and unable to stop any legislation. This happened because the American people were not happy with the way they were taking our country.

We now stand to witness where President Obama and the Democrats plan to take our country. There is a reason why ObamaCare hasn't passed yet. The Democrats are staring to hear the voices of their constituents and are now having to decide where their loyalties lie. They will either support their party and vote for ObamaCare or they will stand with the people. They know that many of them will lose their seats and are having personal debates of what they will be doing.

The odd thing about this entire situation is that we as a nation of 340,000,000 people are being held hostage by about 550 people. How have we lost so much control of our country? The purpose of government as intended by the 'founding fathers' was to govern 'by the people, for the people', not to rule the people as is currently being practiced. Elections have their consequences. We need to get informed about the issues and simple VOTE.

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