Sunday, November 8, 2009

Like a Thief in the Night


It was a Saturday night, on November 7, 2009, that a group of Democrats and one lonely Republican decided to pass a bill that would bring the United States closer to Socialism. The 'Founding Fathers' had their dreams betrayed and ended by this elite group. The American people would continue to sleep in their apathetic slumber. The bill would now be brought forth to the Senate for it's endorsement and the the President's approval.

I wonder, dear reader, if this will be what is written in our history books about the beginnings of our fall. We have let a few elected officials dictate to the rest of the people what they should do instead of letting them have a free decision. In what is contrary to our Rights in the Constitution, this isn't a new freedom that is being added but another yoke being placed on our neck.

We have unemployment at 10% and added to that are the Stimulus, Cap and Trade and now the $1.2 Trillion dollar healthcare bills. These bills are yet unpaid of, they will be a further burden on our weak economy and will further plunge future generations into debt.

We remember the World War II as the greatest generation. What is our generation going to be remembered for, the lamest?

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