Tuesday, November 10, 2009


ABC has come out with a new version of an old science fiction show called 'V'. V stands for alien visitors that make first contact with humans. The aliens are all beautiful people, who we later find out are a lizard race intent on eating us. This show appeared at first to be your regular sci-fi fare except that this one came with an unusual twist.

The alien leader is a benevolent leader who wants to bring peace and prosperity to humanity. She promises to end hunger, poverty and yes, provide Universal Health Care! She becomes the darling of the media, who refuse to cast her in a negative light. There is mass hysteria as a majority of humans want to join them without truly understanding their intentions. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Apparently it did strike a nerve with the White House and in it appeared that ABC(the ALL Barack Channel) was becoming part of the fourth estate again. This didn't last long, because for an unknown reasons. ABC fired the producer of this highly anticipated show, Scott Peters, who produced four episodes. They replaced him with Scott Rosenbaum. ABC plans on continuing the show.

I imagine that the similarity to what is currently occurring with the Obama Government was something that it wasn't prepared for audiences to view. It might actually wake them up from their apathy to what is going on around them. I believe that a safe bet would be that the show takes a big turn after the fourth show and the anti-Obama rhetoric ends. Good for them, hopefully there are enough sheeple to watch it.

Watch the first episode here:

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