Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Honduras cont.

This is my second post on what is occurring in Honduras. The United States has been so involved in pummeling the terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, that it didn't keep it's eye on the ball in our own backyard. Little by little, Latin American countries have been falling back into the influence of the Left. Manny Noriega, the leader of the Sandinistas, is once again in charge of Nicaragua. Almost all other have had Socialists take the reigns of their countries. Hugo Chavez, using the power of the mob and masses, has bullied his way into control of Venezuela and it's oil fields. He is in the process of nationalizing everything in that country. He has changed the laws in his country and become a dictator.

Honduras was beginning to have it's own dictator in the making, with Manny Zelaya. He was illegally trying to extend the limit of his current office, as president, beyond what was mandated in their constitution. Their constitution, like ours, have already legal established methods to make changes. He also wanted to make these changes by using the rule of the mob. He was finally arrested by the military and shipped to Costa Rica.

I regret that our Liberal media has been out pushing their false propaganda that a military coup had taken place. I'm not so sure that is actually correct since when an actual military coup occurs, usually, one of their own becomes the leader. This did not happen, Zelaya's second in command, became the interim President and agreed with what the military had done. Honduras' Supreme Court also agreed with their actions. They are still planning on holding legal elections this November.

Manny Zelaya has been gaining support from most of the Leftists countries and wants to return to continue to further the damage that he has already done to Honduras. Both sides are yet to come to any agreeable solution to their differences.


I offer to you, dear reader, that our leader, President Obama, as a Marxist himself and his administration have decided not to support the legal actions of the people of Honduras, but that of the junior dictator in Manny Zelaya. I have heard many times that Obama is not a Socialist but a community organizer who will wants to do for the country what he helped do to Chicago. Beware!!! I live in Chicago and I can tell you that paying the nation's highest taxes is not really the direction that we want to take this country. The people of Honduras do not want what is already happening to this country, they do not want to be Socialists.


Luckily, there are a few in the Senate oppose the egregious policy of President Obama.

UPDATE: July, 30, 2009

1 comment:

  1. God protect Honduras, because the USA is not!
