Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama represents Catholics better then the Pope?

Without a Doubt
Why Barack Obama represents American Catholics better than the pope does. Newsweek article written by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend.

The audacity of this lady that she really hopes that Obama actually represents American Catholics. I am saddened that many Americans have turned away from the teachings of the Catholic faith. According to the author, I am part of the 46% of Catholics, who proudly didn't vote for change. I try to follow the teachings of the Church, not always perfectly. I know that Pope Benedict XVI represents the ideals of the Church, a tradition lasting over two thousand years. I know that Obama will never represent me in anything, even more my belief in God. Dear reader, I am including the article for your review. If you are a Catholic, do you believe that Obama idealizes your faith? Does anyone of a different faith? Anyone?


  1. Hussien is the god of Chicago's faith!!!! You Know the one where the Daley clan is the hierarcy, and where "WHERES MINE" is their highest belief. So I would venture that those who follow this faith are in tune with BHO as their leader in faith.

  2. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is a crazy Catholic! This person is very mentally ill. Tasteless writing.......
