Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cafeteria Republicans

I am happy about this victory but with mixed feelings. Senator Scott Brown was the perfect candidate for Massachusetts but he isn't a Conservative. He is a Moderate Republican and they tend to worry me more then a Democrat. You will always know that a Democrat is somewhere on the Left, how far depends on the individual but you know that they are on the Left along with all these fun Lefties,ie. Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Tito and Mao.

A Moderate Republican on the other hand is basically an unknown anomaly. This person believes that they can work with a Democrat and will often be found supporting them. They believe the myths that the Liberals are so enlightened and they also want to appear as such. They sometimes believe in one Conservative value or another. They like to pick and choose the ones they like. I like to call Moderates like this, Cafeteria Republicans.

They like to walk down the Cafeteria line and take which values that they want. They can basically choose to be a fiscal, limited government, and social, with a side of interventionist Conservative. They are usually an unknown factor in the Republican Party because you just never know where they stand.

Senator Scott Brown is joining the illustrious ranks of Moderate Republican Senators. The Top Ten are:

1. Sen. Olympia Snowe (Maine)
2. Sen. Susan Collins (Maine)
3. Sen. George Voinovich (Ohio)
4. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
5. Sen. Mel Martinez (Florida)
6. Sen. Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania) who has since switched to the Democrat Party.
7. Sen. John McCain (Arizona)
8. Sen. Richard Lugar (Indiana)
9. Sen. Robert Bennett (Utah)
10. Sen. Thad Cochran (Mississippi)

The GOP has been referred to a 'Big Tent Party' by the RNC head, Michael Steele. I understand that he feels that he believes that this is the way to get more people involved but the party has always done much better even getting Democrats support when Conservative principles. They have historically worked for Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Conservate Principles are our core beliefs. We do better when they are practiced fully and actually have made our country the great place that it is.

I just hope that Senator Scott Brown will support our Conservative principles. There is a Conservative Ascendancy happening in this country and Moderate Republicans have to realize that our country doesn't want the type of Change that President Obama wants, Socialism. Americans have always liked our country the way it is. It's not perfect but there is no better place in the rest of the world. POTUS better get ready because here we come!!!

1 comment:

  1. We have been checking this website to be more informed on the upcoming elections.
