Monday, January 4, 2010

Democrats are Socialists

High-Ranking Soviet Defector Endorses Ohio Congressional Candidate Paul Schiffer, Warns of Socialism of Democrats
Contact: Jon Moseley, 910-231-2528;

CANTON, Ohio, Jan. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- The highest-ranking Soviet and Eastern Bloc Intelligence Official ever to defect to America (in 1978) -- who went on to help Ronald Reagan win the Cold War -- has endorsed Paul Schiffer, Republican candidate for Congress in Ohio's 16th Congressional District. Pacepa escaped Romania to become an American citizen.

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa's statement follows:

"Thirty-one years ago I paid with two-death sentences--from Communist Romania--for my desire to break with Marxism and become a citizen of the greatest country on earth. All former Soviet satellites have now 'defected' from Marx's socialism, which had transformed a third of the world into an abysmal 20th century feudalism. Great Britain, Italy, Germany, France and Greece have also abandoned their ruinous experiments with Marx's socialism.

"Alas, now the virus of Marxism with its fatal governmental takeovers has started infecting our shores. If the Democratic Party has its way, it will transform the United States into a socialist country in all but name. The 2010 elections could prevent that catastrophe from happening.

"I am grateful that Paul Schiffer has decided to run for the U.S. Congress, and I appeal to the people of the 16th Congressional District in Ohio, to vote for him. I know Paul well. I am sure that, once in the U.S. Congress, he will do everything in his power to keep the United States the best and most powerful country on earth.

"Thirty-nine more Paul Shiffers in the 2010 Congress will put an end to the Democratic Party's dictatorship, and that will restore our country's place as the beacon of freedom and free market economics that was conceived by her founders--and which it has always been."

Gen. Pacepa's book Red Horizons (Regnery 1987) has been published in 27 countries. Pacepa was a top advisor to Nikita Kruschev, Leonid Brezhnev, and Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu. In 2007, Pacepa defended Pope Pius XII, exposing how the KGB planted smears against the anti-communist Catholic leader. Pacepa also revealed the KGB's invention of "liberation theology" to co-opt Christian Churches to espouse communism throughout Latin America.

Congressional Candidate Paul Schiffer has been an expert in foreign affairs, working for a strong America and a safer world for twenty years. That includes his 15 years as a radio talk show host centered in Ohio, where he is now running for Congress. Schiffer, a former Marine, also ran in 2008. In April 2004, Schiffer played a key role in bringing together the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Schiffer reported the Iraqi invasion from inside Israel, interviewed freedom fighters from deep inside Iran on the air, and worked with key Iraqi leaders before America's liberation of Iraq.

Who knew???

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